Our Goal Is To Design And Build Homes That Reduce Energy Use By Up To 60% As Compared To New Homes Currently Being Built Today

In 2017 the Canadian Homebuilders Association launched its Net Zero Home Program – continuing their history in leading energy efficiency in Canadian residential construction. The Net Zero Home Label will help to meet the aspirations of Canadian homeowners and home builders alike who are looking to invest in energy conservation measures that go beyond those mandated by local and national governments.

“In a 2020 Canadian Homebuilders Association (CHBA) homebuyer study, homebuyers were asked to list their top 10 new home must haves. ‘Overall energy-efficient home’ was ranked number 3”, shares FarSight Homes’ Johnathan Schickedanz. “Energy efficiency options and technologies, which were once considered a luxury are quickly becoming the norm ... homebuyers are asking, and as we work to bring our Net Zero Energy Discovery Home to fruition, FarSight is listening”.

imply put, a Net Zero Home is a residence that produces as much energy – clean, renewable energy – as it consumes. These homes are a reality today and can offer a wide range of benefits and advantages, including the following:

  • Low utility bills—save money on energy costs all year round and be protected from future energy price increases.
  • More comfortable living space— enjoy better indoor air quality, stable temperatures, more natural light, and isolation from outdoor noise sources.
  • A greener choice for the environment—minimize the household’s greenhouse gas emissions and ecological footprint, conserve resources and reduce pollution.
  • A better future—help make sure that future generations of Canadians have better housing choices, clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and a safe, healthy world to live in.